Flughafen Berlin-Tegel | Diesen Artikel weiterempfehlen! |
(Berlin, 26. Juni 1963)
I want to express my warm thanks to Mayor Brandt for his generous welcome. I am very proud to come here to meet the distinguished Chancellor and to be accompanied by an old veteran of this frontier, General Clay , who in good times and bad has been identified with the best in the life of this city.
As Mayor Brandt said, I do not come here to reassure the people of West Berlin. Words are not so important. But the record of the three powers, our French friends, whose hospitality we enjoy here, our British friends, and the people of the United States - their record is written on rock. The legendary morale and spirit of the people of West Berlin has lit a fire throughout the world. But it is not so surprising, for through history those who live in the most danger, those who live nearest the adversary, those who keep the watch at the gate, are always prouder, more courageous, more alive, than those who live far to the rear.
So I am glad to come to this city. It reassures us and we express our thanks to the people of West Berlin for their welcome this morning. We come to a city which is 3,500 miles from the United States, but we come to a city which we feel to be part of us. Thank you. ♦